How to create a perfect wordlist for Brute Force and Dictionary attack on windows using Crunch

Nimnas Ahamed
2 min readOct 19, 2020

Hacking has become a common thing nowadays. Hacking is not only known to hackers but also to those who want to prevent it. Hacking is currently done through several methods. A common method is Brute Force Attack.

Brute force Attack is hacking by submitting various types of passwords or passphrases and guessing the correct ones. During this time the Attacker will enter the passwords or passphrases and keep checking regularly until the correct password is found.

It will be easier to find small passwords using brute force attack it will take short time to find it. But Dictionary Attack is better to find long passwords in a short time.

Dictionary Attack is similar to Brute Force Attack. In cryptanalysis and computer security, a dictionary attack may be a sort of brute force attack technique for defeating a cipher or authentication mechanism by trying to work out its decryption key or passphrase by trying thousands or many likely possibilities, like words during a dictionary or previously used passwords, often from lists obtained from past security breaches.

What these two usually need is a list of passwords and passphrase called the Word list. The Wordlist can be easily created with a tool called Crunch, which is the default in Linux releases such as Kali Linux. Now let’s see how to create that Wordlist in Windows.

1st Download Crunch for Windows Here:

Extract Downloaded File

Launch cmd.exe in extracted folder

Type Following command in it

crunch [minimum characters] [maximum characters] [characters that you want to include (letters/symbols/numbers/etc)] -o [(Path for your output file)/filename.txt]

Then press Enter and wait wait till your wordlist generate

and here is a sample wordlist

This is for education purpose only so don’t misuse this for any wrong activity.

